What Beard Shapes Suit Your Face?

Just like how not every hairstyle out there will suit you, growing and having a beard bears the same concept. If you just recently had the inkling of turning that five o’clock shadow into a feature more permanent, you are probably wondering how to grow and groom your facial hair into something that would make you look better. All you have to do is look in the mirror and study your face. More specifically, the shape of your face and find the matching beard shapes.

What Beard Shapes Suit Your Face?

Knowing your face shape is extremely important to make all your future grooming decisions as best as possible. Take a look at your face in the mirror. Grab a flexible tape and take the following measurements listed below, recording each one of them as you go.

Beard Shapes


Start across your face from the peak of one eyebrow arch to the opposite arch.


Starting to measure across your cheekbones to below the pointiest part of the outer corner of your eye.


Angle your jaw upward and start at the tip of the chin to below your ear and multiply by two.

4.Face Length

Start at the centre of your hairline to the tip of your chin.

Look at the measurements and compare them to the seven main profiles to know what your face shape is.

Oval Face

You have an oval face if your face length is greater than the width of your cheekbones and your forehead is greater than your jawline.

When you have an oval face, you are able to get away with different styles of beard shape that other face shape can’t because you have both square and round features that gives you versatility and does not require you to balance anything out.

Instead of taking advantage of this opportunity to change styles as often as you can, go for a more timeless and classic style. You can pretty much opt for any style, just avoid pointed beards that can alter the balance of your face shape.

Suggested Beard Styles: Clean Shaven, Horseshoe Mustache, Full Beard, Stubble, Short Boxed Beard

Rectangular Face

You have a rectangular face if your face length has the greatest measurement and your forehead, cheekbones, and jawline are equal.

You have a longer face shape so it is best to avoid a beard shape that styled long, triangular, or pointy at the chin. A fuller cheek on a beard will give the illusion of a wider jaw, balancing out the longer face shape. If you can, grow some facial hairs higher up the cheeks to stop your face from looking too elongated.

Suggested Beard Styles: Chin Strap Beard, Chevron Mustache, Stubble, Beardstache, Full Beard

Triangular Face

You have a triangular face if your jawline measurements are greater than your cheekbones and jawline.

The main thing to do is to steal the attention away from your more prominent chin. Avoid getting a style that is too full and thick on the cheekbones.

Suggested Beard Styles: Long Fuller Beard, Perma 5 o’ clock shadow, Beardstache

Round Face

You have a round face if your cheekbones and face length has the same measurements.

Create a more angular chin by choosing a beard shape that emphasises it. Try a style that is shorter on the cheeks and have more length on the chin. Avoid having thick longer beards that will only make your face rounder than it already is.

Suggested Beard Styles: Van Dyke Beard, Goatee, Short Boxed Beard, Stubble

Heart Face

You have a heart face if you have a greater measurement on your forehead than your cheekbones and jawline.

To create the illusion of having a full, square jawline, opt for a beard shape that leaves more length on your chin and moustache to provide depth and volume to your jawline.

Suggested Beard Styles: Mutton Chops, Chin Curtain, Extended Goatee, Beardstache, Garibaldi, Full Beard

Square Face

You have a square face if all the measurements you recorded are fairly similar.

You might want to avoid a beard that will over-exaggerate your strong, square jaw. To do this, make sure that the beard shape you choose is rounder or triangular on the chin area.

Suggested Beard Styles: Circle Beard, Tapered Full Beard, Natural Stubble, Mustache, Balbo Beard

Diamond Face

You have a diamond face if face length is the greatest followed by cheekbones, forehead, and jawline.

Your face shape is widest at the cheekbones, narrow at the forehead, and a jawline that is approximately symmetrical in width. So you should choose a style that squares off your prominent chin and create an illusion of a more balanced bone structure. Do not go too long on the chin, instead, go wider on the cheeks and the edge of your jawbone.

Suggested Beard Styles: Full Beard, Balbo Beard, Goatee, Chin Strap & Moustache

Growing a beard alters and dramatically switches up the way you look. Picking the right beard style can work wonders for you and your confidence. But be warned, because while there is truth in how having the right beard shape will provide drastic changes in your appearance, improve your features, enhance your bone structure, and even hide your double chin as the stubble thickens, a wrong choice of beard shape will do quite the opposite.